Hearing and Balance


Hearing loss can be a debilitating problem that may come with age, genetics or exposure to loud noises. It’s common in adults over 65 and half of those over 75 will experience it. The good news is that there are ways you can get help – either by seeing an audiologist for advice or if your primary health insurance plan doesn’t cover hearing aids (like Medicare Advantage plans) then you need to know whether they’re available through social services.

Medicare is an insurance program for people who are 65 or older, as well as younger people with disabilities or serious diseases. In order to be eligible, you will need to make sure you know everything about what is covered and how much it costs before signing up for the coverage.


Hearing loss is a serious medical condition that can greatly affect your ability to communicate and life in general.

If you’re wondering if Medicare pays or shoulders a part of hearing aid costs, the answer is no. However, there are many other options to assist you in your goal to hear better. PA Center for Hearing and Balance can help you get started on your path to better hearing.


As published on Medicare’s official website: “Medicare doesn’t cover hearing aids or exams for fitting hearing aids. You pay 100% for hearing aids and exams. Some Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) offer extra benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t cover – like vision, hearing, or dental. Contact the plan for more information.”


Some people think hearing is less important than other senses, but in the end they miss out on all the opportunities that come with good hearing. There are a variety of ways someone can neglect themselves and one way is by not getting tested for their hearing.

Untreated hearing loss may lead to loneliness, isolation and social withdrawal which are just not worth ignoring.

If you think your hearing is just getting worse with age, it could be a symptom of something more serious. It can affect the life satisfaction and well-being of not only those who have lost their hearing, but also family members and friends that may not know how to communicate with them. Working closely with an audiologist to get back on track will help alleviate feelings of loneliness or depression so that you can participate in conversation with family, friends and colleagues.


OTC hearing aids are marketed to make hearing more convenient than ever. You can walk into your local drugstore and buy an over-the-counter hearing aid without having to get past any hassles or wading through paperwork. They are significantly cheaper but of course OTC hearing aids still pale in comparison to legit, traditional hearing aids.

Some people who need hearing aids but cannot afford them may also try personal sound amplifiers instead because they generally cost less than traditional hearing aids. However, it is worth noting that PSAPs and OTC hearing aids do not last as long or produce the same sound quality. For these reasons, audiologists recommend going through a professional to get fitted for a more durable product that will serve their client better.


It’s possible – this can happen when your primary care physician or other medical professional recommends that you get this service.

Medicare only covers diagnostic hearing tests and balance exams if recommended by a healthcare provider. You pay for the 20% Medicare-approved amount for the doctor’s services under covered exams while the Part B deductible applies.

Why doesn’t Medicare cover hearing care?

When the Medicare Act was signed into law, it excluded hearing aids because of their low cost and the fact that they were not expected to be needed by seniors because technically, life expectancy during that time was not as long as today. It also didn’t anticipate an increase in elderly people with hearing loss due to aging.

Many seniors are living longer than ever before and this is largely due to the great healthcare coverage they have in other countries. The U.S., though, has yet to catch up with its policies and it is imperative that Medicare be updated so that those who need these devices can go on living without risking going broke or losing their home because of medical bills.

Will coverage on hearing aids change?

Universal health care would find many benefits through the inclusion of dental, vision and hearing care. This is a great step towards ensuring optimum quality of life for all people.

Proposed legislation that would require Medicare to pay for certain audiological services is sparking a wave of hope among the public. However, many are concerned about how long it will take before the bill passes and becomes law.


Hearing aids make it easier to communicate and connect with your loved ones.

Hearing loss can have negative implications for your health, but when hearing aids are used it can improve a person’s quality of life by making communication easier.

It is well-known that strong human connections positively affect your mental health, which in turn may lead to healthier living habits and reduced mortality rates. When people lose their hearing they might misinterpret the words or struggle to hear voices at all leading them towards unhappiness and isolation. But thanks to modern technology like hearing aids, you’re able to maintain healthy relationships with friends and family without having these problems.

The Harvard University study shows that strong human relationships are the best predictor for health and longevity, so when you notice your loved one losing hearing or lose your hearing yourself, be sure to get them a set of modern-day hearing aids.

Hearing loss is often missed as an early sign of other medical conditions like heart disease or diabetes which can cause serious long term health problems. Modern day digital technologies mean most types of hearing loss can be managed with little to no effect on the patient’s lifestyle, and research has shown people with mild-to-moderate age related loss of hearing can still enjoy the sounds of life and live much longer than those without any hearing ability.


When you are diagnosed with hearing loss, you may worry about what to do and how much it will cost. But there are many options for exploring when considering a purchase of a hearing aid such as:

• A personal loan

• Interest free financing

• Government assistance programs

• Insurance companies

If you are afflicted with hearing loss and you’re low on budget, there may be free or low-cost options available at public health clinics. Private insurance providers can also assist those who provide coverage for these types of devices. You can also consider applying for financial assistance from organizations like which offer grants and other types of aid to people in need.

At PA Center for Hearing and Balance, we specialize in audiology and hearing aid services to help you find the right solution for your needs. We can help with everything from a hearing assessment down to adjustments on your new hearing aids – while considering your available budget so you won’t have to break the bank.
PA Center for Hearing and Balance offers comprehensive hearing tests in the Springfield, PA area. Give us a call to be connected with our audiologist.

Hear Better. Live Better.